We’re gearing up for a huge day of Tractors & Trains and fun at the N.C. Transportation Museum! Join us to see modern tractors, antique farm equipment, farm life demonstrations, and much more! With kid’s activities, music, and hayrides this is an event the whole family can attend! We can’t wait to see you in April!

The annual event is reserved for students, home school groups, and other pre-formed groups on Friday, April 25, receiving special admission rates. The general public is invited to enjoy the fun on Saturday, April 26, ending out the day with a parade of tractors at 3 p.m.


- Cooking demonstration
- Sawmill demonstration
- Seed planting
- Cider press demonstration
- Corn shelling demonstration
- Whirligig toys
- Teaching Tractor
- Antique and modern tractor displays
- And more!

Dates & Times

April 25, 2025 9:00 am-4:00 pm

April 26, 2025 9:00 am-4:00 pm


N.C. Transportation Museum 1 Samuel Spencer Drive
Spencer, NC 28159


$7-$19 https://www.nctransportationmuseum.org/tractors-and-trains/